Monday, March 22, 2010

A Last Hurrah for Winter

It's not like I'm going to miss winter -actually I can't be missing it yet because though we've seen hints of spring it's not spring here yet- but there's been so much response to my bread pudding (which I think was visceral half to the bread pudding itself and half to the snowy picture I included) that as I'm extremely busy right now and can only work on the post about my grandfather (see previous post) incrementally, I thought I'd post a little last hurrah for winter and snow, since everyone else has the beginning of spring covered right now.
Snow Day 2009
We haven't really seen any proper snow here this year, so these are pictures from that one day last year I mentioned in the bread pudding post where we woke up to six inches of snow and I locked myself out of the house while walking the younger spazzy dog...and somewhat inappropriately dressed...and heavily pregnant. No, I didn't take these pictures while I was locked out, I took them after A. came home to let me in and we went back out because he knew I would want to take pictures, even if I was lumbering around like a beached whale trying to get back to water by then. I hope you enjoy them.
By the way, does anyone out there struggle as much as I do with choosing pictures for diptychs and then placing them within your post? I'm giving up after some reshuffling now because trying to look at my whole post in the Blogger window is making me cross-eyed.

It was Baby Saffron's 1st birthday yesterday! Crazy talk.
I will be back shortly with food.
Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

Snow Day 2009

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Notes From ABroad said...

The snow photos are all just wonderful !
I miss snow. I always liked it and now there is none.
So I saved your photo from the Bread Pudding page :)
The pups look like they are not fazed by snow and cold, your Keeshonds? Adorable.

Notes From ABroad said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday Saffron.
She was such a beautiful newborn, I bet she is even more so now.

Deeba PAB said...

This post was the most beautiful way to begin my morning Hilda! STUNNING shots, each one of them! Happy birthday to darling little papoose.

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

Gorgeous snowy pictures, I remember that day well and was so glad I didn't need to commute to work in it. How terrible to get locked out the house when pregnant, what a pain that must have been.

Hope Papoose had a wonderful birthday!

Chantal Akkary said...

Happy Birthday, and very nice pictures....
I felt a breeze passing by just by looking at them ;)

Bethany (Dirty Kitchen Secrets) said...

Stunning pics! Glad that part's over!

Sari @ Cook Your Dream said...

Gorgeous pictures, but I'm so happy it's over! I so much enjoy these sunny days! :) Hope you had a fab day with Papoose.

diva said...

When winter starts to leave us, although I'm happy it gets warmer, I'm always sad and very melancholic. Can't quite explain it. I'm too much an A/W girl who likes to sit in the dark than bask in the sun and jump about I suppose. You take such lovely pics as usual. One day I'd love to just watch you at work :) Happy Birthday to Papoose! x

Rambling Tart said...

Oh Hilda, I love these pictures SO much! I feel like you've just whisked me away on a snowy holiday. :-) Happiest of birthdays to your Saffron girl :-)

Steph (desserts for breakfast) said...

Those dogs are soooo cute! I also quite love the photo of the red branches weighed down by snow.

Nachiketa said...

Happy Birthday Saffron......

The pictures are just ever so wonderful.... they are a treat to watch in the scorching heat of India....

The Variable - Nachiketa
Crazy Over Desserts - The Variable, Nachiketa

Cannelle Et Vanille said...

i love all the pristine white snow. we are starting to warm up here (even more) but I wish I could touch snow just for one time this season.

Jamie said...

Oh these are so stunningly, achingly gorgeous and make me yearn for life in a snowy country. Beautiful!

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